Thursday, October 16, 2014

Speaking The Unspeakable

After reading the article "Speaking The Unspeakable", I spent a lot of time thinking about what it was like growing up in a public school system when someone chose to openly come out as gay. This article talked a lot about how schools are set up for heterosexuals, and that's very much true. Homosexuality was always something that wasn't really talked about, or it was considered taboo. People acted shocked when someone they grew up with, and had known for most of their childhood, finally admitted that they were a homosexual. It's sad, but truthfully, we live in a society where if people aren't the exact same as us, or part of what we consider "normal" then they're judged. Just because they aren't a part of this cookie cutter idea that we're all supposed to be the same, they get made fun of, bullied, and are told that they're wrong becasue they're different.  In this interview of Rayven-Symone, she openly talks about being gay, and not wanting to be labeled for anything that she is:
She says, "I don't want to be labeled gay. I want to be labeled a human who loves human."


1 comment:

  1. I liked your link to Raven Symone's video and the quote you pulled from it. I think it is sad that it has become such a taboo subject that cannot or is not talked about in school.
