Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hey there!

My name is Rachel Gauthier. I'm a junior at Rhode Island College, majoring in elementary education. I just changed my major, and now that I'm in a major that I feel passionate about, I can't wait to finally be taking classes I really enjoy. I've lived in Rhode Island for four years. I'm originally from Alabama, and since then I've lived in Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, and now here. I've loved having the opportunity to live in so many different places, and meet so many different and diverse people. I'm a manager at Justice, and I also work at a jewelry store. Between work and school I don't have very much free time. I'm also in a sorority at RIC, Delta Phi Epsilon. My free time is very limited, but the time I do have, I enjoy being with my family and friends. I'm really excited for this semester!

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